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I am an office administrative professional with 23 years of experience in adminstration work. Some of the relevant skills i posess are: high speed typing for both audio and copy typing in English language; managing executive's email; writing business letters; proofreading documents; data entry; formating and editing documents.
Embu, Kenya
+12 year 5 month 8 days
Worked as a full time administrative secretary at the Kenya National Union of teachers.
Nairobi, Kenya
+6 year 7 month 15 days
Worked with Agriculture and Food Authority as a Senior secretary, performing all administration duties as well as crop licensing.
Nairobi, Kenya
+6 year 1 month 24 days
Worked as a full time Administration Officer at the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), performing office administration duties including transport management.
Nairobi, Kenya
+2 year 1 month 15 days
Currently working with the Kenya Ombudsman as an Office Administrator performing administrative and secretarial duties.
Management and Office Administration
Studied BMOA in Mount Kenya University and passed with first class honours.
Secretarial Management
Studied Higher Diploma in Secretarial Management at Intraglobal Institute and passed with a Credit.
Public Relations and Customer Care
Pursued a short course on Public Relations and Customer Care at the Kenya School of Government.