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EasyShop - E-commerce Platform


EasyShop is a feature-rich e-commerce platform that I developed to simplify online shopping for both customers and merchants. This full stack project showcases my expertise in creating scalable and user-friendly web applications.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive user interface for seamless navigation and product discovery
  • Secure user authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Efficient product search and filtering functionality
  • Smooth integration with payment gateways for secure transactions
  • Responsive design for optimal viewing across devices
  • Admin dashboard for easy management of products, orders, and customers


Technologies Used:

  • Front-end: React, Redux, HTML5, CSS3
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
  • Payment Integration: Stripe API
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Deployment: Amazon Web Services (AWS)


EasyShop demonstrates my ability to design and develop complex web applications from scratch. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and following best practices, I created a robust e-commerce solution that provides a seamless shopping experience for users while empowering merchants to manage their online stores effectively.

Through this project, I honed my skills in front-end development, back-end architecture, database management, and API integration. EasyShop highlights my proficiency in creating scalable and maintainable code, optimizing performance, and ensuring a secure and user-friendly experience.

Explore the live demo of EasyShop and dive into the source code on my GitHub repository to see how I brought this e-commerce platform to life. If you're looking for a full stack developer to build a similar solution or enhance your existing e-commerce website, I am confident in my ability to deliver exceptional results.

Let's collaborate and create an outstanding online shopping experience together!